*UPGRADE* NOTE: For the latest installation notes, troubleshooting and tips, visit the FAQ: http://issues.thebuggenie.com/wiki/TheBugGenie:FAQ via web ------- To upgrade The Bug Genie, do the following: * Make a backup of your database * If using file storage, also make a backup of your files/ folder * Copy the content of the folder to your webserver * Clear the files in the folders /core/cache/B2DB and /core/cache * Create a file called "upgrade" in the directory where "installed" is located * Make sure the "installed" file contains the correct version of your setup (you can find this by visiting /about * Make both "installed" and "upgrade" writable by the web-server Then, visit the location /upgrade in your web-browser and the upgrade wizard will start, and guide you through the upgrade process. The version number in the "installed" file will be automatically updated" via command-line ---------------------------------- Command-line upgrades are not supported.